Ok, so I wrote a post from Jamaica...it was humorous, it was long, it was a riveting read...but the internet gremlin stole it. ;-) The internet went down and I didn't know it so when I thought I was saving and posting it the blog was just disappearing from the world never to be heard from again...
Anyway, we had a great team with us in Jamaica. They worked hard, got along well and had a great time together. We weeded a potato field and most of a pepper field. We mixed concrete and poured a 20'x25' strip of a driveway. Some repaired a barbwire fence and most moved 400 bags of cement, which weighed a total of 37,800 pounds. Sign language skills were improved. Fun was had by all. :-)
Now we are back in Chattanooga and are completing a mad dash to get everything ready before we leave on Monday, June 24th. We have copies of all documents, the boys' suitcase is mostly packed, their room is as ready as it can be, we are vaccinated and have our antimalarial meds...yet there is still more to do. I have a long list of things needed to be complete by Monday. Alas, I know the Lord will give me the strength to get it all done.
So our good news...the last couple who went to Uganda only had to stay 2 1/2 weeks!!!! There is no guarantee that our process will be as quick but it gives us hope that we won't be there for 4-6 weeks just waiting on signatures and paperwork. We would be happy to stay 3 weeks but 4-6 weeks just seems so long and we are anxious to be able to return home and start building a routine and settling in as a family. Plus we aren't excited about leaving our girls (especially the 16 y/o) behind for that long. She's having a hard time with the thought of us being gone that long.
How can you pray for us as we see the finish line ahead?
• pray for our safety
• pray for sleep! With the long flights and time changes we will be a bit delirious.
Pray that we are able to sleep on flights and that the boys will sleep when they
are supposed to.
• pray for our health, I'm nervous about my stomach handling life/food there
• pray for all the officials who will be dealing with our adoption
• pray the adoption goes well and quickly and return flights will be reasonably priced
• pray for the boys' hearts as they have a huge adjustment ahead of them, pray
that God will help them quickly attach to us as their new mommy and daddy
• pray for "LK" the 16 y/o who will have to live without us for a month or more
• pray that the last little bit of money will come in
Morgan would like you all to know that we feel a bit like Joshua and Caleb before they spied on the Promised Land. They didn't really know what to expect, but they went anyway because that is what God told them to do. We are faithfully confident that this is what God has called us to do, and that He is preparing the way for us. But we're also afraid!
Thank you so much for your support and prayers. We feel so loved and blessed.
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