Thanks to some generous donations we are only $2,000 away from being able to pay all of the lawyer/orphanage fees! After that it's just money for flights and we are done! Thanks to a friend, we are in contact with a lady who is helping us get a deal on flights. God is AMAZING! Back in January, raising that much money seemed daunting. Now I wonder how I could have ever been worried about this. God's got this!
Last Thursday, we were able to "meet" our boys via Face Time (like Skype). I have to admit that when I first laid eyes on them I started to cry. They are more precious and beautiful than the picture we have. Nathaniel's two front teeth are starting to grow in. As they are only halfway in and not perfectly straight he reminded me of Mater from Cars. :-) It won't be long before he can watch the movie with us and laugh when I call him Mater. (At least until his teeth come all the way in.) Elijah has grown a lot in the last 3 months. He is taller and his facial features have filled out more. His little smile stole my heart.
We did learn that their English skills are still in need of improvement and we may have a little language barrier to overcome but we aren't worried. The boys were being shy but we found out that they already take after their daddy. Their favorite meal is meat, rice and Coke. :-)
I wish that we could go over there tomorrow and scoop them up in big hugs and kisses but alas we must wait. Until we get to see them again I am encouraged that God answers prayers and that I must press on towards the goal (in this case bringing them home). We only have to wait 2 1/2 more months before we can meet them face to face and for that I am grateful. There are other families that have to wait years.
Enjoy the above picture but know that they are waaaay cuter in person. :-)
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